What is Glucotrol used for?
GLIPIZIDE helps to treat type 2 diabetes. The treatment course should be combined with diet and exercise. This medicine helps your body to make a better use of the insulin.
What should I discuss with my physician prior to taking Glucotrol?
Please do tell your physician if you have any of the following conditions:
- diabetic ketoacidosis
- heart disease
- kidney disease
- liver disease
- porphyria
- severe infection or injury
- thyroid disease
- an unusual or allergic reaction to glipizide, sulfa drugs, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives
- pregnant or trying to get pregnant
- breast-feeding
How is Glucotrol should be taken?
Take this medicine orally, swallowing it with a drink of water. It should never be taken with the food. Take it 30 minutes before the meal. If you take this medicine once a day, take it 30 minutes before breakfast. Take your doses at the same time each day. Don’t take it more often than directed.
Contact your pediatrician regarding the use of this medicine by children. Special care might be necessary.
Senior patients over 65 years old may have a stronger reaction to this medicine and require a smaller dosage.
Overdosage: If you suspect an overdosage, get in touch with the nearest poison control center or emergency room immediately.
NOTE: This medicine is only intended for your use. You should never share it with the others.
What to do if I missed a dose of Glucotrol?
If you missed a dose, it should be taken as soon as possible. If the time has almost come for the next dose, only that one should be taken. You should never take double or extra doses; a single doze is sufficient for the purposes.
What are the possible interactions of Glucotrol with the other medicine/food/etc?
- bosentan
- chloramphenicol
- cisapride
- medicines for fungal or yeast infections
- metoclopramide
- probenecid
- warfarin
Many medications may cause an increase or decrease in the blood sugar, these include:
- alcohol containing beverages
- aspirin and aspirin-like drugs
- chloramphenicol
- chromium
- diuretics
- female hormones, like estrogens or progestins and birth control pills
- heart medicines
- isoniazid
- male hormones or anabolic steroids
- medicines for weight loss
- medicines for allergies, asthma, cold, or cough
- medicines for mental problems
- medicines called MAO Inhibitors like Nardil, Parnate, Marplan, Eldepryl
- niacin
- NSAIDs, medicines for pain and inflammation, like ibuprofen or naproxen
- pentamidine
- phenytoin
- probenecid
- quinolone antibiotics like ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, ofloxacin
- some herbal dietary supplements
- steroid medicines like prednisone or cortisone
- thyroid medicine
This list is not all-inclusive. Provide your health care provider with a list of all the medicines, herbs, non-prescription drugs, or dietary supplements that you use. Also tell them whether you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs. Some of those items may also interact with your medicine.
Is there anything I should pay attention to while taking Glucotrol?
Pay regular visits to your doctor or health care professional to undergo checks on your progress. Learn how to check your blood sugar. Let your doctor or health care professional know if your blood sugar is high, it might indicate the need to change the dosage of this medicine for you. If you are sick or exercising more than usual, you might need to change the dosagee of this medicine as well. You should never skip meals during the treatment course with this medicine. Ask your doctor or health care professional whether you should avoid alcohol. If you have symptoms of low blood sugar, eat or drink something containing sugar right away and contact your doctor or health care professional. Make sure family members know that you can choke if you eat or drink when you develop serious symptoms of low blood sugar, like seizures or unconsciousness. They must get medical help immediately.
This drug can make you more sensitive to the sun, that is why you should keep out of it during the treatment course. If sun can’t be avoided, at least wear protective clothes and always use a sunscreen.You shouldn’t use sun lamps or tanning beds/booths during the treatment course.
Wear a medical identification bracelet or chain saying that you have diabetes, and carry a card containing the list of all your prescribed medications on you.
Does Glucotrol have any possible side effects?
The following side effects should be reported to your doctor or health care professional as soon as they are noticed:
- breathing difficulties
- dark yellow or brown urine, or yellowing of the eyes or skin
- fever, chills, sore throat
- low blood sugar (ask your doctor or healthcare professional for a list of these symptoms)
- severe skin rash, redness, swelling, or itching
- unusual bleeding or bruising
The side effects listed below usually do not necessarily require any medical attention (please do report them to your physician if they are recurrent or bothersome):
- diarrhea
- headache
- heartburn
- nausea, vomiting
- stomach discomfort
Other side effects are also possible, the above list is not all inclusive.
Where should I keep Glucotrol?
Keep this medicine out of the children’s reach.
Store it at the room temperature below 30 degrees C (86 degrees F). Dispose of any unused medicine after the expiry date is reached.